NOTE : You must enter the username or primary email address associated with your Heberjahiz account. If you do not have it, please contact our support by clicking here.
If you forget your Heberjahiz Customer Area password, or if it does not work, you can reset it at any time. You just need to follow these steps :
Classic access
- Go to the login page of your customer area from the following link :
- Click on "Classic access"
- Fill in the username and click on the button “Forgot password ?”.
- You will receive an automated email with a reset link. After verifying the information in this message (email sender address, reset link, information about your computer), follow the reset link.
IMPORTANT : The reset link must start with Instead of clicking on the link, it is recommended that you copy and paste it into the address bar of your web browser.
- Enter a new password that you will use later or click on the icon "Generate a random password" then click on Submit.
Multi-account access
- Go to the login page of your customer area from the following link :
- Click on "Multi-account access"
- Fill in your e-mail address and click on the button “Forgot password?”.
- You will receive an automated email with a reset link. After verifying the information in this message (email sender address, reset link, information about your computer), follow the reset link.
IMPORTANT : The reset link must start with Instead of clicking on the link, it is recommended that you copy and paste it into the address bar of your web browser.
- The password is reset and a new email containing the new password will be sent to your email address.