Choosing the right web hosting solution is crucial for your website to work properly and to be efficient. Different factors must be taken into consideration (programming languages, databases, number of concurrent visitors, etc.); We will therefore detail in this article the different types of web hosting in order to help you choose the hosting plan that meets the requirements of your project.
Shared web hosting
Shared hosting means that your website is on a web server that hosts together several websites. In other words, your website shares resources of the same server with other websites. This solution remains the most economical, but also the least powerful in terms of resources. Moreover, you'll always be able to upgrade your hosting plan as your business grows.
Virtual Private Hosting (VPS)
VPS hosting or virtual private server is based on the principle of shared infrastructure. This means that a physical machine, called a "host machine" or "hypervisor", runs in an isolated environment multiple virtual servers. This solution provides you with server resources that you share with other users while enjoying the benefits of a dedicated server. Thus, your VPS will have its own CPU, RAM capacity, root access, the ability to reboot or even reload operating system.
Cloud hosting
Cloud computing is a solution that does not rely on a single device but on several servers connected in a network to ensure a perfect redundancy. This architecture allows you to evolve your infrastructure at any time according to your workload, which considerably reduces your digital bill.
Dedicated hosting
Dedicated hosting or dedicated server is a solution in which the physical server is not shared with anyone else and is fully dedicated to a customer. It is an extremely powerful solution to ensure complete security and maximum performance for resource-intensive websites and applications.
You understand that each type of accommodation is designed to meet a well-defined requirement. You will find at Heberjahiz a wide choice of web hosting solutions, ranging from shared hosting to dedicated servers. Our hosting experts are available to help you choose the plan that best suits your project.
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