Passwords are a necessary security to ensure the protection of your data. A reliable password should be difficult for a third party to guess and easy for the user to remember. It must be at least 10 to 12 characters long, including upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters. We must do without words in the dictionary and too simple and obvious sequences of numbers.
How to remember a long password?
There are different methods:
1. The phonetic method
« You and I are friends for life » becomes « Y&iRfr&Ds4LiF ».
2. The first letters method
The proverb « Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it. » becomes « SuC2TwA2b2BL4i ».
3. The method of the first letters of an expression and the number of letters in each word
Symantec suggests an interesting method:
- The first few letters of a sentence, movie title, or poem line you know. Example : « Opportunities don't happen. You create them. » gives « Odhyct ».
- The number of letters of each word included in the expression, we get« Odhyct134364 ».
- Special characters, like « ! », « @ », we will get « Odhyct134364!@ ».
You can create your own method by including a mix of upper case letters, lower case letters, numbers and special characters.
Using a password manager
It is recommended not to use the same password for several accounts (online banking, e-mail address or others); the user is thus forced to memorize many more or less complicated connection information.
Password Manager is a software application or online service that allows a user to store and manage their login information for all of the websites they use in order to log in automatically. This tool should be protected by a unique master password, so that you only have one to remember.
Keep in mind that a password manager is a compromise between ease of use and increased security. There is no ideal security.
You do not keep a password for life, it must be changed from time to time.