Anti-spam filters identify, sort or delete unsolicited e-mails (Spam) detected among the mails sent to your mailboxes. You can find more information about spam at the following link:
1. To activate the spam filter for your account, go to cPanel > E-MAIL > Spam Filters.
Click on Process New Emails and Mark them as Spam.
To set the spam threshold value, click Spam Threshold Score. Select the desired spam threshold score from the menu and click Update Scoring Options.
2. To activate automatic spam deletion, click Automatically Delete New Spam (Auto-Delete).
To configure the settings for automatic spam deletion, click Configure Auto-Delete Settings.
3. For more options (recommended for advanced users):
- Whitelist
To configure your whitelists so that spam filters allow added items, click on Edit Spam Whitelist Settings and then on Add Whitelist Items (whitelist_from).
Enter * to add all the email addresses of a domain name to the whitelist or for a specific email address.
Once done, click on Update Whitelist (whitelist_form).
- Blacklist
To configure your blacklists so that spam filters reject added items, click on Edit Spam Blacklist Settings then on Add Blacklist Items (blacklist _from).
Enter * to add all the email addresses of a domain name to the blacklist or for a specific email address.
Once done, click on Update Blacklist (blacklist _form).
- Calculated Spam Score Settings:
To configure the score for each spam criteria to be calculated, click on Configure the calculated spam score settings.
We strongly recommend that only advanced users modify spam test results. Inappropriate configurations will have unintended consequences.