Email Disk Usage option allows you to view and manage email disk space usage on cPanel. With this interface, you can permanently delete old or large messages to free up space.
To manage email disk usage on cPanel, please follow these steps:
1. Go to your cPanel > EMAIL and click on Email Disk Usage
2. Select the email account you want to manage and then click on "Manage".
3. For each folder in your email account, you can view the number of messages and the total disk space used. At left, there is a predefined list of options for freeing disk space.
Using this menu you can choose between an e-mail older than one year "1 year old or more", an e-mail of 30 MB or more "30 MB in size or more", all previously viewed emails "Previously viewed", all e-mails "All messages" or a personalized "Custom query" for example (savedbefore 2weeks this query will delete messages received more than two weeks ago). For more information on building queries, please see the following documentation: (
4. Click Delete Permanently to delete the specified messages.